Final master's paper

I’m finally finished with my master’s paper!  The title ended up being “‘Finding What, You Know?’: A Content Analysis of the Websites of Archival Repositories for Markers of Archival Intelligence.”  Here’s the abstract if anyone wants to read it; it will be available online from the SILS website sometime over the summer.  I’ll link to it when it is available.

This study is a content analysis that investigates whether the user education resources available on the websites of archival repositories reflect an understanding of Archival Intelligence. This was done by analyzing the websites of thirty archival repositories, selected from the list of the member institutions of the Association of Research Libraries. The findings of the study indicate that the websites of most archival repositories do not reflect an understanding of Archival Intelligence. The study also suggests that archival repositories are not currently taking advantage of the Internet as a medium for user education, which is necessary in a time where the only interaction many users have with an archival repository is through its website.

I’ve also attached it to this post, if anyone wants to read it.  I’m also going to maybe start posting here again more often, but I’ve said that before. “Finding What, You Know?”: A Content Analysis of the Websites of Archival Repositories for Markers of Archival Intelligence Update: Now updated with actual working link to my paper.